Sunday, March 8, 2009

Some thoughts on Venus Retrograde 2009

Note: This is a very late retro post, spent too much time hemming and hawing on if I wanted to post this... ^_^' Enjoy
Boy did it sneak up on me! I thought we'd had until the 9th, then I check Alabe, and what do you know, there she is with the little Rx beside her.

Venus is now moving in between the Earth and the Sun. This, or her counterpart Mars, might be the rarest retrograde planet of all to observe because Venus moves at such a similar speed to Earth, when she's on the opposite side of the Sun or near it she always appears to move moving much more slowly and pacingly than Mercury. Though retrograde motion is basically just an optical illusion, like astrology in general it's power can't be denied.

I'll be frank: Most astrologers with opinions on this are hippies and they'll tell you Venus retrograde is some wonderful time of "universal love lessons" or something like that, but here's my skeptical observation:

  • It's a time of apologies. Family that neglected you and even strangers who have some guilt of their own to deal with will be flashing the puppy dog eyes. They won't all be sincere! Many of these people just don't like the thought that people have bad opinions of them.
  • It's a time where people who like to sweep dreary or inconvenient things under the rug are forced to deal with those things. Venus is involved with Libra, Pisces and Taurus. All of these signs tend to turn a blind eye to or run away from the negative rather than toughen up and deal with them (which is also reminiscent of her exaltation in Pisces, the dreamer who loves to charm and drink until away the mean things in reality go away).
  • Egos will be purged. Venus is the planet of charm and beauty. Interestingly also she's always near the regal Sun. This points to delusions of grandeur and arrogance, feeling like one is more beautiful, talented or even better and more deserving than others; none or very little regard for the needs of others (Venus is also called Lucifer!). The universe will reprimand those who have indulged themselves in this type of behavior. Venus retrograde is a time to humble yourself.

Last time Venus was retrograde she was in Fall in Virgo, this time she's in detriment in Aries and will move back to the last degree of Pisces. October of next year she will be turning retrograde in her slightly lesser detriment Scorpio.

Aries is a difficult sign for Venus. I don't claim to be a love guru, but I think that for romance to work you must be patient, tactful, observant and empathetic, none of which describes Aries very well. You must remember your own sensitivity and how you would like someone to approach you or the things that would frustrate you romantically, because while it might be nice, open and in theory the directness of just doing the damn thing! might stop the restraining force of shyness, it could surprise and upset the person it's aimed at. Pisces can understand these things, and thus it receives Venus very well.

I think Venus retrograde always features the death of a prominent female in my family. The last Venus retrograde in Virgo back in 2007 made me have to contend with some very proud and detached family members, their apologies and the above mentioned issues months after the death of my grandmother.

I'd love to hear about yours or any other comments you have to add!

One notable Venus Rx in Aries theme: Rihanna and Chris Brown's fight heard 'round the Earth.

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